colony picking


How to implement colony picking workflows with automation

Shorten workflow timelines for therapy with fast and efficient colony picking and clone screening processes

colony picking ebook

What you will find in this eBook

Colony picking represents a powerful tool within the workflow of mammalian cell line development and the study of microbiology. Different scientific challenges have been recently faced in this field, from the development of CRISPR-based genome editing technologies to the necessity to produce new efficient therapeutics against SARS-CoV-2

This eBook is aimed to help scientists during the choice of their automated colony picking solution, considering the necessity of high throughput, applications, and major bottlenecks of the process. The focus is on currently available microbial and mammalian clone screening devices, and a comparison among different proven technologies is provided.

Sample pages

How is colony picking performed

How is colony picking performed

Optimizing Colony pickers choice

Optimizing your colony picker’s choice

Molecular cloning workflow

Experimental workflows

Cell line development workflow

Cell line development workflow

Colony picking automation

Colony picking automation

Shorten your workflow timelines

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Learn how to implement colony picking workflows with automation
Product family
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ClonePix; QPix 400 Series Microbial Colony Pickers
How to implement colony picking workflows with automation
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