3D Cell Culture


Level Up your 3D Cell Culture: From Research to High-Throughput

3D Cell Culture Webinar

Relevant and practical techniques to help researchers move from time-consuming manual processes to efficient, predictive, high-throughput 3D workflows.

As drug discovery and disease modeling move toward increasing assay complexity, 3D cell systems have proven to provide more physiologically relevant information compared to their 2D counterparts. However, with this increased complexity comes new challenges, such as longer image acquisition and analysis time and increased data storage requirements.

In this webinar we provide educational information and practical techniques to help researchers move from time-consuming manual processes to efficient, predictive, high-throughput 3D workflows. Topics include:

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ImageXpress Confocal ht.ai; MetaXpress High-Content Image Acquisition and Analysis Software; IN Carta Image Analysis Software
Level Up your 3D Cell Culture: From Research to High-Throughput
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3D Cell Culture Webinar

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