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Small footprint, high speed, powerful, imaging system for monoclonality verification
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How to Implement Colony Picking Workflows with Automation
Colony picking represents a powerful tool within the workflow of mammalian cell line development and the study of…

[Podcast] Challenges of traditional cell line development and emerging technologies to…
Advancements in genetic engineering and synthetic biology have allowed numerous breakthroughs in recent decades. The…

How to Develop Monoclonal Cell Lines for Stem Cell Engineering
Monoclonal assurance is undeniably critical in cell line development for generating therapeutics, such as monoclonal…

Monoclonality Assurance Using CloneSelect Single-Cell Printer and CloneSelect Imager in…
Join Gargi Roy of AstraZeneca’s Stem Cell Therapy team to explore high throughput human stem cell engineering workflows that…

Accelerated Production of Monoclonal Antibodies for the Treatment of SARS-CoV-2
With solutions from Molecular Devices, scientists can fast-track the FDA approval process and accelerate monoclonal…

Clone screening solutions
Advance your microbial and mammalian clone screening with proven, automated technologies

Direct screening cytotoxic and antiproliferative activities of drug compounds on human…
Shan Liu, PhD | Product Specialist | Molecular Devices Rebecca Kreipke, PhD | Field Applications Scientist | Molecular…

The evolution of CHO cells’ role in cell line development
Since the first approval of recombinant insulin and human growth hormone in the early 1980s, a multitude of recombinant…