Cellular Imaging Systems
Video Gallery
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3D Imaging Seminar Series

Plate Annotations in CRX

ImageXpress Pico : Acquisition and Analysis Basics

Intestinal organoids for automated screening assays

New standard in organoid culture and image-based analyses

Automate your 3D biology high-throughput workflows

How 3D biology is shaping the future of drug discovery

Leverage automated, end-to-end workflows to enable complex organoid assays

Automation of the organ-on-a-chip assay: automated culture, imaging and analysis of angiogenesis

Challenges for drug screening of complex biological systems

3D Tissue Models Imaging and Automation of Organ-On-A-Chip

Introduction to the Organoid Innovation Center and ImageXpress Confocal HT.ai system

Level Up your 3D Cell Culture: From Research to High-Throughput

Enhance high-content 3D biology imaging with automated sample preparation

Enhancing 3D Disease Models: Automated, High-Throughput, Phenotypic Screening with Organ-on-a-Chip

High-Content Phenotypic Screening

ImageXpress Pico - Installing the EC Cassette

3D Imaging Seminar Series: Fast and simple 3D spheroid analysis using automated high-content imaging

Emerging Organoid Models: Translating Basic Research to Drug Development and Regenerative Medicine

ImageXpress Confocal HT.ai Overview
ImageXpress Confocal HT.ai Overview
ImageXpress Confocal HT.ai / IN Carta Image Analysis Software Introduction
The ImageXpress® Confocal HT.ai High-Content Imaging System utilizes a seven-channel laser light source with eight imaging channels to enable highly multiplexed assays while maintaining high throughput by using shortened exposure times.
Getting Started with 3D Human Tissue Models and Imaging
Capturing the Complexity of Cell Biology
Organoid Innovation Center Walkthrough
ImageXpress Micro Confocal High-Content Imaging System
ImageXpress Micro Confocal System
The ImageXpress® Micro Confocal system is a high-content solution that can switch between widefield and confocal imaging of fixed and live cells.
An AI-based approach to high-content phenotypic characterization of human iPSC-derviced neuronal cells
ImageXpress Micro Confocal Virtual Tour
Disease modeling in the 21st century: Automated organoid assays with 3D imaging
3D cell culture, tissue clearing, & high-content imaging in the quest of effective solutions to NAFLD
ImageXpress Micro 4 High-Content Imaging System
ImageXpress Micro 4 System
The ImageXpress® Micro 4 High-Content Imaging System is a high-throughput, widefield imager that can acquire images of whole organisms and cellular or intracellular events.
Pushing the Boundaries of High Content Screening
Preparing Assays for Genome-wide RNAi Screens Using High Content Microscopy
Multiplexed High Content Hepatoxicity Assays Using iPSC-Derived Hepatocytes
High Content Imaging Analysis of Cell Sheet Morphogenesis Utilizing in Vitro Tissue Models
ImageXpress Nano Automated Imaging System
ImageXpress Nano High-Content Imaging System Virtual Tour
Virtual tour of the ImageXpress Nano, including hardware and software which demonstrates the image acquisition as well as image review and analysis.
Accelerate your screening with high-content and automated imaging
Accelerating study of viral infection and therapeutics with microplate-based detection and high-throughput screening
LabTube Meets Molecular Devices & MIMETAS, Susan Murphy & Sebastiaan Trietsch
Magnetic 3D Bioprinting, 3D Cell Culture in a 2D Workflow
ImageXpress Pico Automated Cell Imaging System
ImageXpress Pico System
The ImageXpress® Pico Automated Cell Imaging System is more than a digital microscope, combining high-resolution imaging with powerful analysis.
ImageXpress Pico Automated Imaging System Virtual Tour
Automated Imaging and You – Quantitative microscopy for every lab, Powerful data for all
ImageXpress Pico Automated Cell Imaging System – Feature Update
A Product Manager's Tour of the ImageXpress Pico
ImageXpress Pico System
The ImageXpress® Pico Automated Cell Imaging System is more than a digital microscope, combining high-resolution imaging with powerful analysis.
ImageXpress Pico Automated Imaging System Virtual Tour
Ein Einstieg in die Bildgebung von 3D-Zellmodellen – alles, was Sie wissen müssen
ImageXpress Pico Automated Cell Imaging System – Feature Update
A Product Manager's Tour of the ImageXpress Pico
ImageXpress Pico System
The ImageXpress® Pico Automated Cell Imaging System is more than a digital microscope, combining high-resolution imaging with powerful analysis.
ImageXpress Pico Automated Imaging System Virtual Tour
L'imagerie automatisée et vous - La microscopie quantitative pour chaque laboratoire, un puissant outil pour l’analyse et la visualisation de données
Bien démarrer avec l'imagerie de modèles cellulaires 3D - tout ce que vous devez savoir
ImageXpress Pico Automated Cell Imaging System – Feature Update
A Product Manager's Tour of the ImageXpress Pico
CellReporterXpress Image Acquisition and Analysis Software
How to perform a z-stack image acquisition using CellReporterXpress software
The CellReporterXpress Automated Image Acquisition and Analysis Software works with the ImageXpress® Pico system. It has a simple, easy-to-learn interface for performing quantitative analysis on images acquired from automated microscopy.
How to easily image slides and regions of interest with Live Preview on the ImageXpress Pico system
Configuring environmental control settings on the ImageXpress Pico system
Transmitted light cell scoring on the ImageXpress Pico
Setting up acquisition and analysis on the ImageXpress Pico
MetaXpress High-Content Image Acquisition and Analysis Software
Basic workflow from image acquisition to analysis on the ImageXpress Micro Confocal system using MetaXpress software
MetaXpress® High-Content Image Acquisition and Analysis Software is a comprehensive solution for high-content analysis featuring a tightly orchestrated and integrated workflow.
Plate annotation and curve fitting in MetaXpress software
Quickstart Guide: Plate acquisition on the ImageXpress Micro Confocal system using MetaXpress software
Implement High-Throughput 3D Image Analysis for Samples from Subcellular Structures to Spheroids
Quickstart Guide: Review images on the ImageXpress Micro Confocal system using MetaXpress software
MetaMorph Microscopy Automation and Image Analysis Software
Resolving Molecular Organization and Dynamics Using Localization-Based Super-Resolution Microscopy
MetaMorph® Microscopy Automation and Image Analysis Software automates acquisition, device control, and image analysis. It easily integrates dissimilar fluorescent microscope hardware and peripherals into a single custom workstation.
Real-Time Single-Molecule Based Super-Resolution Microscopy Reconstruction: Theoretical and Practical Insight