FLIPR Video Gallery
Featured videos and webinars

Structural organization and functional analysis of compound responses in 3D human iPSC-derived cardiac tri-culture microtissues

3D models for cardiotoxicity

Toxicity studies of iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes and neuronal spheroids

CiPA initiative and validation of high-throughput methods to characterize compound effects in human iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes on the FLIPR Penta system

(On-demand webinar) FLIPR in drug discovery: Ion channel screening and cardiac safety testing

High-throughput screening for in vitro potency evaluation of cardiac ion channel inhibitors on the FLIPR Tetra® System

Innovative GPCR and Ion Channel Assays for the FLIPR Tetra System

Optogenetics and the FLIPR: How to Use Light to Set up a Cav1.3 High-Throughput Screening Assay

Innovative Assays for the FLIPR Tetra System

StemoniX microBrain 3D Assay Ready Plates for HTS
FLIPR Penta High-Throughput Cellular Screening System
Toxicity studies of iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes and neuronal spheroids
New FLIPR® Penta High-Throughput Cellular Screening System allows you to measure and analyze peaks of human-derived induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs), differentiated into cardiomyocytes and neurons, up to 100 times per second and quickly cherry pick events such as Early Afterdepolarization-like events (EAD-like events), fibrillation, and irregular beating.
CiPA initiative & validation of high-throughput methods to characterize compound effects
Implementing 3D Neural Spheroids in Drug Discovery
Optogenetics and the FLIPR: How to Use Light to Set up a Cav1.3 High-Throughput Screening Assay
Latest Advances in Calcium Flux Assays