Axon Patch-Clamp
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Tech Tips with Jin Yan: User List in Clampex 11

Tech Tips with Jeffrey Tang: An introduction to the Humsilencer

Streamlining electrophysiology data acquisition and analysis in ion channel study with Axon pCLAMP 11 software

Enhance your Electrophysiology studies with Axon pCLAMP 11 Software

Speed up precise data measurements with pCLAMP 11

Empower electrophysiology data analysis with new Clampfit 11 Advanced Event

Empower your electrophysiology studies using new Axon pCLAMP 11 software

Tech Tips with Jin Yan: Sequencing Keys

Tech Tips with Jin Yan: Increasing the number of epochs in Clampex 11

Tech Tips with Jin Yan: Protocol Length in Clampex 11

Save your time on data analysis with new Batch Analysis feature in Axon pCLAMP 11 Software

Tech Tips with Jeffrey Tang: Axon pCLAMP™ 11 Software Feature for Batch Analysis

Tech Tips with Jin Yan: Axon pClamp™ 11 Software Feature for Action Potential Analysis

Enhanced Protocol Editor in pCLAMP 11

Population Spike Analysis in pCLAMP 11

Batch Data Analysis Macros

Introducing the Axon Digidata 1550B Low Noise Data Acquisition System plus HumSilencer

Neuronal Action Potential Analysis

How to Combine Traces, Calculate Rise or Decay Time Constant, and Perform Curve Fitting Using Axon pCLAMP Software
Axon Instruments Patch-Clamp Amplifiers
Save your time on data analysis with new Batch Analysis feature in Axon pCLAMP 11 Software
The Axon Instruments® series of amplifiers provide best-in-class solutions for the entire range of patch-clamp experiments. The portfolio of amplifiers includes Axopatch™ 200B for ultra low-noise single-channel recordings, MultiClamp™ 700B for whole-cell voltage-clamp and high-speed current-clamp recordings, and Axoclamp™ 900A for two-electrode voltage-clamp and current-clamp recordings.
How to Combine Traces, Calculate Rise or Decay Time Constant, and Perform Curve Fitting Using Axon pCLAMP Software
Investigations of the Effects of Amyloid-Beta Proteins on hSlo1.1, a BK Channel, in a Xenopus Oocyte Model
Nanopores-Electronic Tools for Single-Molecule Biophysics and Bio-Nanotechnologies
Using Electrophysiological Studies to Accelerate Mechanistic Study in Reception and Transmission
Axon Digidata 1550B Low-Noise Data Acquisition System plus HumSilencer
Introducing the Axon Digidata 1550B Low Noise Data Acquisition System plus HumSilencer
The Axon™ Digidata® 1550B plus HumSilencer® is one of the most advanced analog-to-digital signal converters on the market, offering the innovative line synchronous noise-cancelling feature, HumSilencer.
How to Combine Traces, Calculate Rise or Decay Time Constant, and Perform Curve Fitting Using Axon pCLAMP Software
Save your time on data analysis with new Batch Analysis feature in Axon pCLAMP 11 Software
Using Electrophysiological Studies to Accelerate Mechanistic Study in Reception and Transmission
Investigations of the Effects of Amyloid-Beta Proteins on hSlo1.1, a BK Channel, in a Xenopus Oocyte Model
pCLAMP 11 Software Suite
Enhanced Protocol Editor in pCLAMP 11
The pCLAMP™ Software Suite is an industry-leading patch-clamp electrophysiology data acquisition and analysis program for the control and recording of voltage-clamp, current-clamp, and patch-clamp experiments.
Empower electrophysiology data analysis with new Clampfit 11 Advanced Event
Speed up precise data measurements with pCLAMP 11
Batch Data Analysis Macros
Neuronal Action Potential Analysis